
Monday, November 14, 2011

Submarine Update

 The roller system worked perfectly.  No sniping at all (that's that stupid step at the end of a board after the edge clears the first feed roller).  I took 1/16th inch cuts, alternating each side until both sides were clean.  This gives the optimum amount of wood.  I ended up with 2 1/6 inch thicknesses on the thinnest board.

Using my table saw as a flat surface, I glued two boards together.  Clamps!  Lots and Lots of Clamps!  Make sure you have the grain going in opposite directions or the board will warp.  I prefer white glue.  Keep it thin or you will end up with ridges you can't sand out.

This photograph gives you an idea as to how big this project will be.  I needed to make sure I didn't cut the wood stock too short.  Best to have it at the beginning, and trim it off as I discover I don't need it.