
Monday, December 17, 2012


Some people talk for the sake of hearing their own voice, and choose to ignore what is being said by the other person, the following exchange is case and point.  The following happened about a month or so, ago.  The names weren't changed to protect anyone.

Background.  While driving back from Kamloops I picked up, what I suspected to be a recent guest at the local government facility (jail).  He sat in the front seat and idle chat commenced.  Every time I said something it was responded to with ' Yes, Sir', or 'No, Sir'.  Which is a good indicator he had a newly required respect for any type of uniformed figure presented to him.  The conversation went as follows:

Me:  'Don't call me Sir, that's what you would call my Dad'.  (Even though he has passed away over 10 years ago.)

Dumfk: 'Oh, ok.  What does your Dad do for a living?'  (Odd question since I'm in my 50s and dear ol dad hasn't been working since bout 1985)

Me: ' He is a decomposer'.  (Ok, if you are running an IQ of 40 or more you just saw what I had said, HE IS DEAD)

Dumfk: "Oh?  Classical?' (I figured he meant dear ol Dad worked in an orchestra HAHA)

Me: 'Nope,  Subterranian'

Dumfk: "Cool"

The conversation abruptly stopped, except for the laughing from the other passengers within ear-shot of the conversation.  I had one lady get off the bus and thank me for the laugh of the week.  A man got off and said "They live among us, and breed".  Personally, I thought THAT was funny.

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