After loading 26 passengers at the start of the trip, the bus heads to the first stop. Nine people get on the 54 passenger bus (Quick Math 26 + 9 = 35, leaving 19 seats. 17 if you don't count the 2 seats directly behind the driver for his personal belongings). After several minutes two passengers get off and tell the driver:
Dumbass: There are no empty seats.
Driver: WHAT? There should be lots of them.
Idjit: Nope.
<Driver steps onto the bus and notices there is an empty seat next to the blonde (good looking I might add) in the first seat, and empty seat in row two, two empty seats in row 3 and more all the way to the back.
Driver gets off the bus and says: There are all kinds of them, so grab one. <Dumbass and Idjit get back on the bus, and the driver points out all the seats. Chuckles come from the other passengers, including the blonde in the first row>
Driver: See! There are lots of them.
Idjit grabs the massive lock securing the driver's backpack to the seat behind the driver's seat and says: Can I sit here?
(Must be afraid of blondes)
NOTE: The names weren't changed to protect the innocent.